What are the themes of your play?
The themes of PanLid are identity, family, love and loss.
Why did you write it and why now?
I wrote PanLid exploring the complexities of identity within our society. With so many labels, boxes and profiles for gender, sexuality and race (especially when it comes to online dating and social media) also looking at programmes such as The X Factor, Eurovision and most recently The Circle, I thought now is a good time to ask ‘what profile would you choose?’, ‘which box will you tick yourself in?’
Which playwrights are you influenced by and why?
I’m influenced by playwrights like Shelagh Delaney, Philip Ridley, Duncan Macmillan and debbie tucker green. I love the poetic honesty that seems to scream off the page when reading and watching their work.
What do you want to achieve as a playwright?
I want to spread the word that the THEATRE IS FOR EVERYONE! I think that is my duty as an artist.