What are the themes of your play?

Foxes explores homosexuality within London’s Black Caribbean community present day and how masculinity interfaces with social expectation.

Why did you write it and why now?

I have some family who have had some of the experiences in the play and was drawn to the voices that exist however for many reasons are kept secret. I think it’s important to keep examining what it means to be black today and to keep sharing in order to move forward. Shining the torch where it seems a little too complex or sensitive to do so in real life is also what inspired this piece.

Which playwrights are you influenced by and why?

The playwrights that have influenced me are August Wilson, Cheryl L.West, Neil LaBute, Kwame-Kwei Armah and Lorraine Hansbury. These are the playwrights I was first introduced to and even now find myself going back to their work. There’s an adept, great ability to capture the rhythms of the way human beings actually talk, which are the plays I’m drawn toward.

What do you want to achieve as a playwright?

I want my work to speak to people in anyway that’s useful to them whether that be laughter, to challenge, educate, cause a rethink or even purely as entertainment. I’d also like recognition and awareness for my work in order to have my plays put on.

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