Various practitioners

Mojisola Adebayo, Martin Edwards, Kobna Holdbrook Smith, Arti Prashar

23rd June 2015

The Debate was a lively forum to discuss topical issues in the performing arts.

The performing arts have been under pressure for a number of years will the next five see the sector wither and die under the Tories?  How will small theatre companies survive?  And who cares if the arts are not diverse enough?

Our panel of arts practitioners will debate these and other topical issues in the performing arts.

Martin Edwards (chair) playwright, actor and former BBC journalist is joined by Mojisola Adebayo actor, playwright, director, producer and teacher;  Kobna Holdbrook-Smith actor, director, producer, writer and campaigner/founding member of Act for Change; and Artistic Director of Spare Tyre Theatre Company, Arti Prashar.

Read the reviews from Afridiziak.

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