
Surprise Surprise by Adeshegun Ikoli won in 2000.

Speaking at the tenth anniversary of the Awards in 2006 Adeshegun said “Since winning the Award my whole professional writing life has changed. First, it has given me the confidence to actually call myself a writer and the opportunity to meet inspirational people. Secondly, so many doors have opened including that of finding an agent and making new contacts such as the BBC for whom in 2003 I wrote the Radio 1 Pantomime, performed by all the BBC DJs and narrated by the late John Peel. The show got pick of the week and over a million listeners. I have been commissioned by Working Title Films to turn my play Surprise Surprise into a movie! I want to thank everyone involved in the Award as you have made this writer’s dreams come true and I hope you can continue to do this for many more writers.”

Adeshegun is featured in the National Theatre Black Plays Archive

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